Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Well, this just so happens to be the first time I have participated in the wave of bloggery that seems to be sweeping through popular culture at the moment, so all you readers may need to have a bit of patience with me (at least for my first few posts).  I am not certain if all of you are aware of the place in life that I currently occupy but I'll do my best to bring you up to speed.

I  have been at Texas A&M University pursuing a degree in International Commerce for the past two and a half years.  This major requires me to obtain a minor in some foreign language.  I had always thought that Russian was a cool sounding language and having not been very fond of my Spanish classes in high school, I decided to study it.

There have been many times, as I read through countless lines of Cyrillic text, that I have cursed this decision to study such a complex and entirely novel language, but I kept going.  Now, I am stepping out of the frying pan and into the fire or being that it's Russia, maybe out of the fridge and into the freezer is a more appropriate idiom.  Phrase it however you like, I will be spending the next four months (February 5th- May 26th) studying at Moscow State University.

Pictured above: The Lomonosov Building @ MSU (lagrest university building in the WORLD)

I have spent the past semester and break filling out paperwork, getting passport photos, arranging airfare and filling out visa applications, but in three short weeks I'll be in the capitol city of the Russian Federation.  I decided that the best way to document this once in a lifetime experience would be through this blog where I can give everyone back home a taste of the East as well as archive it for myself when I get all old and nostalgic.

So, I encourage you all to follow along with what I am sure is to be quite the adventure.  I will be sure to include every success, failure, anecdote or tale of mischief that occurs and if you know me at all, there is sure to be plenty.  So until then, das vedanya!